Having spent the last week selfishly eating everything I am going to miss next month/year. I am ready for the juicing to commence. Iambic planning on starting my daily food log, weight, mood, hours of sleep, as well as when I am sleeping. Last time I found while juicing my energy went up and I slept very few hours.
FOOD: This is one of the healthier days in 3 months... sad...
3 eggs, fried potatoes, asparagus, green onions, salt and pepper scramble. (Homemade)
Small soy pumpkin spiced latte. (Dutch Bros)
1 candycane
3 slices of Shane's apple cake
1 bowl homemade tomato soup w 2 slices of French Batard bread
1 vegetable and cheese pasty from pacific pie co
WEIGHT: 208 (really bad but 13lbs less than the start of last year)
MOOD:I have been lucky enough to still be pretty positive, generally.
SLEEP: I slept 5pm-7pm, got up for a little while and then slept 9pm-7am looks like 12 hours to me. This is not typical was working overnights whither less sleep the 3 days previous.
Good bye 2012.
I didn't photograph last nights dinner but this is a similar on I had earler this year.